A Philosophical Explanation of Proximity to and Remoteness from the Divine
Proximity and Remoteness when used in relation to God and the contingent existents are used equivocally [mushtarek-e-lafzi] and not in a univocal [mushtarek-e-man'awi] manner, where by equivocal we mean that it is only the words that are i dentical but the meanings are different depending upon the subject to which they are applied, therefore while proximity and remoteness denote a lesser or a greater spatial or temporal distance between two material or temporal correspondents that exist within a spatial-temporal paradigm, the same is not true in relation to the divine. Therefore in Islamic Philosophy particularly in accordance with Mulla Sadra's Transcendental Philosophy [Hikmat-e-Muta'aliyah] proximity to and remoteness from the One or the Source of all Being are dependent upon factors such as perfection-imperfection, actuality-potentiality, existential intensity and weakness, priority-posteriority, simplicity-composition etc, such that the more perfect, actualized, existe...