Pure Existence manifest in all Things

Imam Hussain (as) states:
“It is You Who have introduced Yourself to me in all things [فِي كُلِّ شَيْءٍ]; therefore, I have seen You Manifest [ظَاهِراً] in all things”[Dua-e-Arafa]

The One or Pure-Existence [وجود محض] is the source that endows all contingent-essences [ماهيات] with existence [وجود]. This existence which emanates [صدور] from Pure-Existence on contingent-essences is neither inside these essences nor external to them, because in order for existence to be either inside or external to them [meaning the essences], these essences must have an existence or a reality prior to receiving the existence emanated upon them from Pure-Being, which means that the essences must have an existence prior to receiving existence, which is evidently absurd, because according to Mullah Sadra’s theory of the ‘Primacy of Existence Over Essence’, [اصالت الوجود واعتبارالماهية] essences do not have any independent reality [حقيقت] in the external-world [خارج] distinct and separate from existence. Therefore existence is neither inside nor is it external to these essences simply because there are no essences with a distinct and separate reality independent from existence. Hence existence is not in ‘Us’ simply because there is no ‘Us’ prior to receiving existence; and this existence which is possessed by every contingent-essence is an out-pouring and an overflowing from Pure-Existence. If Pure-Existence is rendered limited, determined, imperfect and particularized by accidents [عوارض], such that it no longer remains Pure-Existence, so we get nothing but contingent beings [ممكنات], meaning the world and ourselves; and if contingent-existence found in all created things, is cleansed and purified from all determinations [تعينات], limitations [حدود], privations [عيوب], imperfections [نقائص], and accidents that are alien to existence and other than it [meaning existence], then what we get is the Infinite Reality of Pure-Existence; therefore in the eyes of the mystics & philosophers, God is the World, cleansed from all determinations, limitations, privations, imperfections and accidents that are alien to existence; and the World is God, seen together with these limitations, determinations and privations.


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