Imam Ali (as) On Divine Proximity & Remoteness

Amīr al-mu’minīn (as) is reported to have stated:
"قريب فی بعدہ، بعيد فی قربہ"
translation: "He is nearest, in spite of His being distant.He is furthest, in spite of being nearest" [Al-Kafi,kitab-ul-tawhid,hadith#228]
Avicenna states in his 'Metaphysics of the Healing' that The Numerical One or Unity [وحدت] is the principle [مبدا] of number or multiplicity [کثرت] in that it is the repetitive occurrence of 'One' that brings into existence [وجود] all numbers since all numbers are nothing but the number 'One' repeated over and over again, for instance the number '2' is nothing but 'One' repeated twice, similarly the number '3' is nothing but 'One' repeated thrice over and so on, such that every number arises out of this Unity without the Unity arising out of any number but no number can be a number without unity. Therefore while every number must contain one as the principle of its existence but One or Unity is other than number or multiplicity, in fact One or Unity is the opposite [مقابل] of number or multiplicity.
Mullah Sadra states in 'Shawahid-al-Rububiyyah' that just as the numerical One [واحد] is the principle of numerical multiplicity or numbers, similarly Pure Existence [وجود محض] is the principle of the multiplicity of contingent beings [ممکنات]; and just as all numbers are nothing but the number 'One' repeated over and over again, similarly the contingent beings are nothing but various manifestations [مظاہر] and determinations [تعينات] of the Reality of Existence [حقيقت الوجود], because the existence of every essence [ماھيۃ] is an emanation [صدور] from the Reality of Existence, which is nearest [قريب] to every essence just as 'one' is in every number.
According to Ayatullah Hasan-Zadeh Amoli when we consider numbers so we do not see the 'one' but '3' or '4' or '5' etc, even though '3' is nothing but 'one' repeated thrice and so on; this inability to see the 'one' in the multiplicity of numbers is due to being veiled [محجوب] from the truth and being engrossed in multiplicity. Similarly when we see the multiplicity of contingent essences in the external reality we fail to see in them the Reality of Existence, in other words we fail to realize that these contingents are nothing but manifestations of Pure Existence.


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