Allama Tabatabai On Causation
Allama Tabatabai states in Tafseer Al Mizan that nothing in this physical world comes into existence without a cause علت such that every originated phenomenon حادٹ occurring in the material cosmos is dependent for its origination and existence upon a cause ; according to the Grand Philosopher the human mind considers the dependence of every created and contingent ممکن بالذات thing upon its cause as a self-evident fact بدیھی ; this is due to the reason that the origination حدوث of that which did not exist previously but came into being later is sufficient evidence in itself of the fact that existence is not integral and necessary for its essence ماھیت, which in itself is neither inclined towards existence nor non-existence but is equidistant in relation to both, and is therefore in need of an external cause for granting preference ترجیح to either one of the two possibilities امکان عدم و وجود. According to the Allama this rational judgement emanates from man's primordial-nature (فطرت) itself.
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