Problems with the Argument from Origination

The Argument from Origination برهان حدوث is one of the most commonly utilized arguments by the Theologians متکلمین in their efforts to prove that the universe عالم is not without a Creator خالق or a Cause; the argument is based on an assumption that the universe is temporally originated حادث زمانی, which means that it has come into existence وجود from a prior non-existence عدم; now the fact that the universe did not previously exist is sufficient proof that existence is not necessary واجب for its essence ماھیت; because had existence been necessary for its essence, so it would have never been non-existent معدوم to begin with; and everything that exists without being necessary in itself واجب بالذات, must be necessary through another واجب بالغیر; and that which is necessary through another is essentially contingent or possible ممکن بالذات, and consequently in need of a cause علت; this is how the Theists seek to establish the existence of God.

Firstly, this argument is only valid for those who acknowledge or accept the universe to have been created in time; in other words it is only effective against those individuals who already believe the cosmos to have come into existence from non-existence, and cannot be of any use against those atheists ملاحدہ or agnostics who do not believe the universe to have come into existence from a previous non-existence or who believe the universe to be eternal قدیم; moreover, even against those who believe the universe to have come into being from non-being, the argument only establishes that the world is created مخلوق and therefore in need of a cause for its existence; but it fails to establish that the cause in question is God or a Being Necessary in Itself; the truth in this matter rests with the Philosophers فلاسفہ as according to them the world is indeed an effect and hence in need of a cause, but the immediate cause of the world is not God but an incorporeal intellect, albeit God is certainly the ultimate cause of the world.


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