God and Time

The philosophers describe God as a transcendental being, an immaterial reality, an entity that lies beyond the confines of both time and space, and is therefore neither temporal nor spatial, since time is the means of measuring motion, and motion is an accident of matter which means that time also is an accident of matter, therefore were God to be something temporal existing within time, so he would also have been something material, composite and changeable because the very conception of time is inextricably wedded to the notions of motion and consequently matter. But since God being the cause of matter and all things material, cannot itself be matter or material, therefore He cannot be something temporal as well.
Therefore in relation to God there is no time since he does not exist in time, on the contrary it is the enigmatic reality of time that exists within the Divine, encompassed and enveloped by His all-embracing Mercy. Hence for God there is no past and neither any future, but only an enduring present, because the past is nothing but time lost and the future nothing but time not yet possessed, both past and the future being privations, non-existences, how can the Being of God, which is nothing but the Reality of Existence, lie in the midst of privations and non-existences, since that is exactly what both the past and the future are, nothing but sheer privation and non-existence, because the past indicates that which was existent but is not so anymore, and the future indicates that which is as yet non-existent.
Hence for the Sacred Reality of the Divine there is simply an enduring present, a present that shall never become a past and that was never an expected future; therefore in relation to God the day of judgement is not an expected eschatological event the occurrence of which is awaited, but for Him the day of judgement is unfolding in the present; for Him, Adam's (as) coronation as His Vicegerent or Caliph is not some historical event of a forgotten past, but for Him, Adam (as) is still being crowned as His Caliph in the world; in connection with Him the reappearance of the Imam is not some event that is going to happen, but is happening in the 'Now'. In relation to God's sight and hearing, our future doings or acts will not bring about any change in His Essence, since our future actions are non-existent only in relation to us, and are therefore future only in relation to us, but in relation to God all our future actions and doings are parts of an enduring present, and have already unfolded before Him, and to say that they have 'unfolded' does not imply that they were ever absent from His Sacred presence, but were present with an eternal-presence.


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