Imam Musa al Kazim (as) on Divine Independence

Imam Musa al Kazim (as) is reported to have stated :
”ولم يحتج الی شئ، بل يحتاج اليہ“
translation: “He does not need anything, but all things need Him” [Al-Kafi,kitab-ul-tawhid,hadith#325]

God is Pure Existence [ وجود محض ], the Reality of Existence [ حقيقت الوجود ] and everything that exists, is a reality [ حقيقۃ ] by virtue of existence [ وجود ] because the reality of everything is its existence, as it is existence through which all things acquire objective reality and become entified, such that, that which has no existence, has no reality and is said to be a non-entity therefore all things depend [محتاج] upon existence for their realization [ تحقق ] regardless of whether this realization is in the external reality [ حقيقۃ الخارجيۃ ] with actual or concrete being [وجود خارج] or in the receptacle of the mind [ظہن] with mental being [وجود ظہنی], therefore existence is self-manifesting and also manifests others without itself being manifested by anything else ; because if it is asserted that existence also is manifested by some other thing so we would ask concerning that other, whether it exists or does not ; now if it does not exist so how can that which lacks reality and manifestation itself bestow it upon another, meaning the Reality of Existence, since this would lead to the affirmation of the existence [اثبات وجود] of that, which was simultaneously held to be non-existent [ معدوم ] ; moreover he who gives or bestows some good [ خير ] is nobler [اشرف] than the one who receives the good, but it is also known that, that which exists is nobler than that which is non-existent, therefore the affirmation of a non-existent giver would lead to a conjunction of contraries since that which manifests the Reality of Existence would both be nobler and and inferior than the Reality of Existence contemporaneously ; it would be nobler in that it is he giver of a certain good and would be inferior in that it is non-existent whereas the recipient, meaning the Reality of Existence, is nothing but Pure Existence. Secondly, if that which manifests the Reality of Existence exists, so it would either be more exalted than the Reality of Existence, equal to it or inferior ; now it cannot be inferior to or equal to, the Reality of Existence since the entire reality of an effect is absolutely dependent upon its cause, and evidently that which depends is inferior to that upon which it depends, hence that which manifests the Reality of Existence, being its cause [ علت ] is independent of the Reality of Existence, while the Reality of Existence being an effect [ معلول ] is dependent upon it, and therefore cannot be equal to or nobler than its cause. Now evidently that which manifests the Reality of Existence has a greater claim over being the Reality of Existence than the former since the latter is independent of the former whereas the former is dependent upon it, therefore it is impossible for the Reality of Existence to depend upon anything for its reality and subsistence.


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