Imam Reza (as) On Divine Unity-part 6

Imam Reza (as) states in his sermon on Divine Unity:
”وَمَنْ قَالَ لِمَ فَقَدْ عَلَّهُ“
translation: “whoever says 'why?' has professed for Him a cause”[Uyun-al-Akhbar,chapter#11,hadith#51]
A Final-Cause [علت غائی] is defined as that for the sake of which something exists or that which is sought as an end but everything which exists for the sake of something else or for achieving some end is imperfect [ناقص] since the act of seeking good [خير] implies the absence or the non-existence [عدم] of some good in the seeker, and it is this absence or privation of good that causes the thing bearing the privation to seek and move towards an end, and since a moving thing [متحرک] cannot move itself because a thing in potentiality [قوۃ] cannot actualize [فعليۃ] itself or give to itself what it does not possess therefore it is dependent [محتاج] upon a mover [متحرک] for being moved, but God cannot be something moved since He cannot be dependent since everything dependent is contingent [ممکن بالذات] whereas God is a Necessary Being [واجب الوجود] ; hence God cannot have any final-cause. If God is said to have a final-cause which He seeks to attain through motion so He would become a moving thing and everything that moves is a composite [مرکب] of potentiality and actuality, and hence necessary through another but that which is necessary through another cannot simultaneously be necessary in itself. Moreover God is said to be Absolute-Perfection [کمال مطلق] but that which seeks some good as an end cannot be absolutely good [خير مطلق] or perfect because the seeking is evidence of the absence of some good or perfection, and this leads to a conjunction of contraries [اجتماع نقيضين].


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