On the Intelligibles
An intelligible معقول is something that is either (a) self-intellecting and also capable of intellectual apprehension ادراک عقلی by another or (b) only capable of intellectual apprehension by another but not self-intellecting; the former are the incorporeal intellects عقول مجردہ that are separate from matter مفارق عن المادہ and are intelligible to themselves in actuality معقول بالفعل, meaning that they are aware of themselves by their very selves بالذات and not by means of an intermediate form صورہ; and are also potentially intelligible معقول بالقوہ or capable of intellectual apprehension by another, where that other is an actual or perfected human intellect عقل بالفعل or a saintly soul نفس قدسیہ; the latter intelligibles are quiditties ماھیات immersed in matter that are potentially intelligible prior to abstraction انتزاع عقلی by the apprehending Intellect, and intelligible in actuality after abstraction from matter and material attributes عوارض مادی; the self-intellecting intelligibles or the incorporeal intellects fall in the order of substances جواھر and cannot be accidents عوارض since anything self-intellecting is nobler اشرف than that which cannot apprehend itself or is incapable of knowing itself, and hence cannot inhere within the latter for its being, and become dependent upon that which is inferior to itself, with this latter acting as its subject موضوع; the intelligibles that are not self-intellecting but only capable of intellectual apprehension by another can be both substances or accidents albeit in differing respects; as long as these quiditties remain immersed in matter they are only potentially intelligible, and will be either substances or accidents depending upon whether or not they need a subject for existence in concrete reality حقیقت خارجیہ; therefore the quiddity of man as long as it remains immersed in matter in concrete existence is a substance and the quiddities of man's qualities کیف انسانیہ when immersed in matter are accidents; these potentially intelligible quiditties that are immersed in matter, become intelligible in actuality after their intellectual abstraction by an apprehending soul نفس مدرکہ; these intelligibles appear in the knowing soul as its accidents.
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