Another Argument for the Eternity of the World
A perfect cause علت تامه is one, which when its existence وجود is realized, it simultaneously also realizes the existence of its effect معلول, without any delay or interval between the realization of the existence of the said perfect cause and the realization of the existence of its effect; in other words, a perfect cause is one that is sufficient in itself for the emanation صدور of its act فعل or effect, without needing the addition to its essence ذات, of any further attribute or part جزء; conversely speaking, a cause is said to be imperfect علت ناقصه if by its existence, it fails to realize the existence of its effect; to elaborate further, any delay or interval between the realization of the existence of a cause and the realization of the existence of its effect, implies that the said cause is not sufficient in its essence for the emanation of its act or effect; and is therefore dependent محتاج upon some factor extraneous to its essence, in combination with which it could perform th...